Thursday, August 4, 2011

My brothers wife is a *****?

Well I'm 14 and my parents are away for a little while so my brother and his wife are babysitting me at my house. Anyway I really needed a cigarette today and my brothers wife won't let me smoke so she took away all the lighters and matches and that pissed me off. I had an argument with her about it for ten minutes until I got tired of arguing. So I lit my cigarette with the toaster. She then went age **** and came up to me and said "you little **** your 14 your not meant to be smoking your a little boy" I then said "well I needed a cigarette and I was desperate and desperate times cause for desperate measures". She then said "well I don't give a flying **** if your parents let you smoke because your not smoking while I'm here" I then said "this is my house you crazy *****" and she went to take my cigarette away so I slapped her and she ran to my brother crying and he sent me to my room early. Was I out of order?

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